How to build a sustainable wardrobe 2025
Dear reader,
My wish for 2025 is that we all focus less on trends and more on style and longevity. Most of us probably have a wardrobe brimming with clothes, some of which we don't even remember the latest time we wore them. It's no secret that the fashion industry’s impact on our planet is huge, and I think that how we choose to buy clothes is a way to make a difference. So, if you want to start building a sustainable wardrobe in 2025, read along.
Get to know your style
This is not to say that you’ll define your style and be done with it. I think style is something that is ever evolving because we change and our lives change, and that is all how it should be. However, getting to know your style and what you like will help you make thought-through choices when it comes to shopping.
My favourite way of getting to know my style is to lay out the outfits I currently wear on repeat and understand why I love them. I also recommend trying to find three words that define your style and bring them with you when you go shopping. Another fun thing to do is to create a style mood board.
Get to know your wardrobe
I think it’s vital to understand what you already own and organize it in a way that inspires you. I rotate my wardrobe as the season changes, and with my hanging pieces, I organize them by colour, from light to dark.
Digitising my wardrobe has been a game changer for me. I started by digitising my favourite outfits. Unfortunately, the app I used for this no longer exists, and I haven't found a worthy replacement that I can recommend.
Prioritize Quality Over Quantity
This is important because if you buy quality you don’t need to buy as much. However, it’s not that easy, because the material is not born the same, and a high price point does not necessarily mean good quality.
Some things I think about when looking for quality clothing are:
If it's made of natural materials
There are not too many different materials thrown into the mix
I check for pilling.
Does the garment feel flimsy or does it lose its shape?
Check the seams. Has some come undone?
Do the zippers glide smoothly?
If you like quantity…
In the sustainable community, there is a lot of talk about owning fewer clothes and creating an outfit formula and capsule wardrobe. While those are great ways to strive for a sustainable closet, and certainly, things I think about myself, they're not the only way. If you like variation, you can consider arranging or seeking out clothing swap events, renting pieces, or borrowing from your friends.
Shop ethically and sustainably.
When you can, support ethical brands and aim for second-hand first hand. Look for material certifications but remember that clothing brands sometimes have their own "certifications" which can mean absolutely nothing at all but look nice on a tag.
If you are buying something newly produced ask yourself if this is something you need. I have collected some tips in a post called How I Shop.
Care for your clothes
Ones you own them, care for them. I have collected some tips in these posts:
Tools I Use to Keep My Clothes Last Longer
Be picky
A quote I often come back to is "You don’t have to buy everything nice". I want to be more picky in 2025 and only buy clothes that I love and that fit me really well. Because if I'm going to spend my hard-earned money on something it has to be worth my while. Also, decluttering is boring and charity shops drown in our old clothes.