Read my blog about photography, sustainability and gentle living

Tools I Use to Keep My Clothes Last Longer

Thinking out loud

Autumn’s slow beginning
Dear reader,
Autumn is here. The air is crisp and clear and the temperature has dropped. I love stepping outside first thing in the morning and taking a cool breath. Then, I immediately put on my gloves and tighten my scarf.

How I shop

Summer in Copenhagen

Autumn’s ABC...
Dear reader,
I received the newsletter from Carolina Storm, where she bid farewell to August and welcomed September and autumn with an ABC of things she is looking forward to during this season. I thought it was a fantastic idea so here comes my ABC for autumn. Buckle up, it's a long one.

Textile care: Lyocell

The Summer Grinch

The role of friends

Summer reads

What’s been adding value in June
Never has a month passed as quickly as this June. I remember entering this month with a lot of anxiety and stress over the wedding. At the same time, I worked hard on not feeling stressed so it wouldn’t stick to my face and I would enter the church looking like I’ve had seven rough years. The stress about feeling stressed caused more stress, a surprise to nobody. However…


What’s been adding value in May

Care for clothes while traveling

Local hero Bauer ceramics

Banana bread

What’s been adding value in April

Circular economy 101

Sunday reset