What’s been adding value in May
I'm going to continue my What's been adding value- series. I think it's such a nice way to reflect on big and small things that have happened during the month.
:M and I have chatted with our toastmasters for our wedding. The big day is closing in and I'm working hard on not letting stress get the better of me. So, I'm so grateful for our Toastmasters. It's such a blessing to have two friends being there for you like that because it's a huge commitment that takes a lot of time.
:I have started to drink hibiscus tea in the evenings mostly because it has a beautiful colour and a sweet taste but it's also supposed to fight inflammation and lower blood pressure among other health benefits.
:I was at an event in a clothing store and got the tip from one of the sellers that if you put a nylon stocking over the steamer head while you steam your clothes, this prevents water spots on your clothes. Mind- blow- ing.
:I bought a bag on a second-hand platform and I’ve already gotten so much use from it. Unfortunately, I’m always searching for the perfect-sized bag but I think this might be the one! I also got the bigger version of this bag in a beautiful camel colour when I graduated from college/high school 10 (!) years ago and it is still very loved.
:M and I have enjoyed many breakfasts on our little balcony.
:I attended and helped to host the From Business to Buttons (FBTB) conference in Stockholm. For those who don't know what it is, FBTB is a Design Conference and hub of inspiration and hands-on advice on how to generate business value by creating great experiences. I was so inspired by all the speakers and the conversations I had in between and also my colleagues who put it together. If you like you can check out my reel on Instagram for some highlights from the conference.