Low Impact and Food


It’s crucial that we lower the amount of food we waste. Not only is it very unsustainable for your economy but also for the planet. Eating local and in season are the best options to minimise the impact on the climate. 

It’s also important to think about how we transport the food from the store to our homes, for example by taking the bus to the supermarket. Now, I live in a city with a quite developed commute system which makes it easy for me to travel by bus or tram to a good food store but I understand that not everyone can do that. If you need to drive, maybe you can team up with a neighbour and you can go food shopping together? However, it is not just the transportation that matters. Going to shop food with a clear plan to avoid food waste is also important and bringing your own bags for food items and vegetables is also a good way to reduce climate impact. I made my own produce bags from an old sheet and the string was from a previous sewing project I did.

Being creative with leftover food is also really important. M and I usually meal prep on Sundays and we often make some kind of stew or casserole so we can put in any leftover veggies from the week to make sure that they don’t go to waste. I also made croutons from a piece of bread that was really drying out. 

My favourite tips for reducing food waste:

  • Never go to the store hungry

  • Go to the store with a plan and stick to that plan

  • Bring your own produce and shopping bags

  • Buy in season and try to buy local

  • If you buy bananas, buy the single ones as they are the ones that are most likely to get tossed

  • Look for any “misfit” or “this is about go go off” section in your food shop

  • Clean out your fridge and pantry once a month to make sure you know what’s in there and what you need to eat first

  • Choose what works for you, we all live so different lives


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