Wintering/ Talvitela
Dear reader,
Happy new year! I hope you've had a magical holiday and got to enjoy a few quiet days between Christmas and New years eve.
The harsh winter months and the lack of sunlight can make it hard to find motivation. So how do we make it through these darker months and keep our sanity? Maybe the hushed beauty of winter can invite some time for rest and retreat? Here are six things I do to romanticize my life and chase away the winter darkness.
It is probably because I'm from Finland but I can't imagine my existence without a sauna. To no one's surprise, it's extra special during the cold months to sit in the heat and silence and feel your body soften. I have a routine on Saturday mornings where I go to the gym and work out and after that, I shower, put on a hair mask and sit in the sauna.
Take care of the home
For me, the colder weather is an invitation to spend more time inside and at home. Prepping some tea and snuggling up on the sofa with a book is one of my favourite things to do. But also, romanticise your life as if your life depended on it. Light candles for your morning coffee and change bedsheets often. Take care of your wardrobe- air out, fold and stem your clothes. Call your friends and loved ones.
Luxuries of small things
When you get to adulthood you realise that the big luxuries in life aren't material but having your health, having time and financial security. But sometimes the luxuries in life can be material like having a nice hand cream or lip balm.
Simple workouts
As much as I enjoy my gym routine, I find that winter is a time for simple workouts. For me that is going on slow runs (slow so I don't accidentally slip on ice) or doing some pilates. I recommend checking out Sanne's and Nicole's channels for some at-home pilates workouts.
Dry brush and face massage
During the winter months, there is a continuous discussion about how to care for your dry and crackling skin. I don't have the secret formula but I like to pay extra attention to my skin during winter. Dry brushing my body is a great way to promote blood circulation. I've been taught to work the brush upwards towards the heart or use a circular motion.
Face massage is also a great way to increase blood circulation and I find that it's also a relaxing ritual. All you need is a Gua sha or your hands and something that will help your fingers or tool glide, for example, an oil or serum. Then I usually follow this routine.
Winter escapes
As much as I love to be at home during winter sometimes you need a change of scenery.
I love to spend time at an art museum where you can get lost in room and time. Sometimes the museum building is a piece of art itself. It's the perfect escape from the cold. Museums also often have great cafes where you can sit afterwards and talk or reflect on what you've seen.