Local hero: Fram Haga

Buying package free produce was kind of starting point when I decided to try to reduce my impact on the planet a few years ago. In our regular supermarket it’s sometimes difficult to buy food package free so, I’m really happy to live so close to Fram Haga.

Fram Haga is selling organic produce and a lot of items are also possible to get package free such as pasta, lentils and beans. They focus on organic and fair trade food to ensure safety and health for workers and in extensions the consumers. Fram is a cooperative and all profit stays in business and work towards keeping down prices on basic produce so that as many as possible can afford it.

Inside the store they provide customers with reused paper bags and cartons, and you can bring your own containers and bags as well. To reduce food waste, they reduce prices on items that are about to expire. I really recommend having a look in the boxes with red tagged items. M and I have found really good prices on vegetables to put in soups and stews and this winter we found a huge package of dried sage. The staff is really nice as well and always very helpful.

Something that makes this store a little bit special is that they are really ruled by the seasons. This means that everything is not always available or not available in the form you might have expected it to be. For example, buying garlic in summertime means that it’s fresh and not dried as I’m used to seeing it in the supermarket. While, it can be a shame to not have everything available to you in one store, it really make you think about where food is coming from and that food is not a constant influx but have cycles of growing and harvest. And seeing it in a store is a powerful reminder to strive to eat seasonally to reduce impact on our planet.

If you happen to pass by I really recommend trying the Green life kombucha with lingonberry which is my absolute favourite. Also the quinoa from Skåne and lentils from Öland are really nice, since these are things that aren’t grown in Sweden.

Store: Södra Allégatan 2B, 413 01 Göteborg


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