Everyone experiences today differently

I’ve always loved cold weather. Strangely, I feel like it helps me get my priorities clear. It's a little difficult to explain exactly how. Maybe it has to do with that everything takes much more time, like putting on your long johns and winter gear. Especially when there's snow, you also need to plan ahead for your commute since trams and busses tend to be late and it takes longer to walk to your stop when you're pulsing through the snow.

Christmas is closing in and it's funny how this time of the year always moves so quickly. It can be helpful to think about your priorities and what is actually important. I found this list which inspired me. Hopefully, some of them resonate with you too.

  • happiness is a choice

  • be kind to others and to yourself

  • it's never too late to change

  • there is no such thing as "the right time"

  • if you can't love yourself, you can't love someone else

  • love is everywhere

  • don't let the past change the good traits you have

  • everyone in the world experiences today differently

  • life is short

  • your reality is a reflection of your thoughts

  • it's okay to outgrow people

  • stop expecting people to be able to care in the same way you care

  • you are in control of your mind

  • protect your peace


New year greetings


Brace ourselves for colder weather