PT 2 Sourdough bread making (storing)

A few weeks ago I posted a small guide on how you make your own sourdough starter and I was thinking that, today, I would share how you can store it.

In room temperature 

You need to feed it every day but suits you who bakes several times a week or every day.

 + Good since you’ll have ready starter every day. 

-If you don’t bake every day you’ll need to pour out a lot of starter.

In the fridge

This is how I do it requires me to feed the starter once a week (or every second week) + It’s a good way if you bake sourdough bread less than every week.

-Needs more time to get ready for baking. I usually leave my starter on the kitchen counter during the day before I start baking.

How you know it’s ready for baking with?

Your sourdough starter should be really bubbly. You can also do the floating test where you drop a bit of your starter into water, if it floats it’s ready.


To the sea


13th of March