The life of a glass jar

I know from experience that when you want to start a low waste lifestyle there is a huge urge to buy stuff. Which I think says something funny about the society we live in. But, remember that when trying to live a low waste lifestyle you don’t need to go out and buy new matching glass jars or new matching anything really. I find that glass jars so easily come in to my life without needing to buy extra and they are great for storing food items that you get package free. You can find a lot of jars in second hand stores or save them from food items like nut butter, olives etc. I have a mix of both which I’ve saved after I’ve eaten the packaged food and some I’ve bought for storing. I think that when starting a low waste journey, start with what you’ve already have and then you might discover a need that requires you to go and buy some things.


A draft


A simple bread to start with