What’s been adding value in April

We're a few days in, in May and I've been reflecting on the things that's been adding value to my life in April. 

I've started a new creative project inspired by Matilda and it feels good to do things with my hand again. I actually have multiple creative endeavors going on from embroidery to painting and drawing.

I've started running again after a winter break. I like to call myself a "nice- weather- runner" because I would never go out for a run if it's too cold, windy, or rainy which doesn't result in a great number of running days per year for me. Still, I find that when I start running after a long break it benefits my mental health.

I've finished reading Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. It did not catch me at first but when it did it really had me in its grip. It has a lot of heart in my opinion

I’ve been lounging in these pajamas like an absolute lady of leisure lately. I cannot express how good it feels to slide into this after a shower in the evenings. 


Banana bread


Circular economy 101