Raincoat and thoughts on buying new

A proper raincoat is a must here on the Swedish west coast. It’s a staple during all seasons, I would say. I'm very proud of myself for choosing an actual colour. I usually gravitate towards black since it's such a classic. However, I find that this might also make me a little more visible to others when I bike through town on a gray rainy day.

When I'm about to buy something new I almost always check if I can find a good option second hand. Or even better, if I can borrow or rent what I need. However, sometimes I'll buy something that is newly produced and then I consider these things:

  • Can I buy the item from an ethical and sustainable company?

  • Is the item of good quality?

  • Will I be able to take care of it properly so that it will last me a long time?

  • Will I get bored or tired of it?

  • Will I be able/want to use the item for its whole lifetime?

I don't think that we should feel guilty or that we've failed if we buy something newly produced. There are so many factors to take in such as time, money, and access to sustainable options which are different for us all. The best we can do is to make as informed a decision as possible from where we are now.


Lesson from Spring


Saturday Brunch